
Odazovite se 10.9.2019. na predavanje komunikacijskog stručnjaka Paula Afshara , u organizaciji HUP-a


HUP vas poziva na predavanje svjetski poznatog stručnjaka u području komunikacija i oblikovanja korporativnih strategija:

„Communicating Sustainability – ER or PR“, predavač Paul Afshar

  1. rujna 2019. s početkom u 10 sati u Hrvatskoj udruzi poslodavaca, Radnička cesta 52/1.kat

Predavanje će biti na engleskom jeziku – predviđeno vrijeme trajanja je 2 sata.

Predavanje je u organizaciji Hrvatske udruge poslodavaca, Global Compact Hrvatska i Instituta za društveno odgovorno poslovanje.

Svoj dolazak molimo potvrdite najkasnije do 9. rujna do 12 sati na mail:


PAUL AFSHAR – predavač

Paul Afshar is a Partner, for Corporate Communications and Puposeful Business, at FleishmanHillard Fishburn in London, named Best Large Agency of the Year at 2018 PRWeek Awards!

Paul is an expert in corporate strategy and communications with fourteen years agency/in-house strategic communications and campaign experience. He leads on FleishmanHillard’s Purposeful Business work in Europe, Middle East and Africa region, working with some of the world’s leading brands to shape their sustainability and social investment strategies. Having spent four years in China, where he ran a successful e-commerce start-up he saw firsthand the effects of climate change on the nation’s capital, and writes widely on global sustainability issues and UK-China business relations for the Huffington Post and the Independent.

Paul has advised one in five companies of the Financial Times Stock Exchange 100 Index on reputation and sustainability strategy. Those are the companies listed on the London Stock Exchange with the highest market capitalisation. He has strong track record of delivering integrated communications programmes for clients’ flagship corporate and social initiatives and a proven track record in new business development with wins.

Known for Start-up mentality having managed company up to exit sale phase through building internal capability & robust customer development, as well as for excellent relationships with media, government, civil service and NGOs.

He is also the Founding Judge for the Meaningful Business 100 (MB100), an annual celebration of the 100 individuals globally who are using business influence to help achieve the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Join us and learn from the best!


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